Robot World Cup Initiative (RoboCup) is a worldwide competition proposed to advance research\nin robotics and artificial intelligence. It has a league called RoboCup soccer devoted for soccer robots,\nwhich is a challenge because robots are mobile, fully autonomous, multi-agents, and they\nplay on a dynamic environment. Moreover, robots must recognize the game entities, which is a\ncrucial task during a game. A camera is usually used as an input system to recognize ball, opponents,\nsoccer field, and so on. These elements may be recognized applying some tools of computational\nintelligence, for example an artificial neural network. This paper describes the application\nof an artificial neural network on middle size robotic football league, where a multilayer perceptron\nneural network is trained with the backpropagation algorithm, to classify elements on the\nimage. Each output neuron represents an entity and its output value depends on the current entity\nthat is present on the image. The results show that an artificial neural network successfully classified\nthe entities. They were recognized even when similar color entities were present on the image.